Pre-Ramadan Productivity Journal
Ramadan is fast approaching. May Allah let us reach it. Aameen. With the blessed month of Ramadan just around the corner, we should be implementing actions for your health, wellness, and spiritual growth before Ramadan arrives. It’s not about spending hours in the kitchen preparing, cooking food and sleeping all day, because our lives and activities should not stop, like working, classes, etc.
1 Week Meal Plan
Download our freebie weekly meal plan are great for busy mum who are short on time, don’t know what to cook and to be honest don’t like spending too much time in the kitchen. The meals can be cooked with seasoning and spices that you normally use. I have provided the main ingredients in the name of the meal for you, which is all that you need to work with. Keeping your own seasonings for now, is a great way to start with something that tastes familiar.
30 Days Muslimah Self-Care Challenge
Muslimah, Muslim mumma I know when we become busy and overwhelmed out self-care goes out of the window, so I’ve created a challenge for you to get this in place. The better we look after our health, mind, body and deen the better we can serve others and the more we can give back without pouring from an empty cup.
Food Journal
Numerous studies have demonstrated that tracking our food intake allows us to recognise the effects various foods have on our body and mind. It's not solely about calorie counting or allowing occasional "cheat days," but rather about fostering an awareness of how the foods we consume act as fuel and nourishment for our bodies.
Daily Journal
Muslim women daily journal. Download for free and get started. This is for the busy Muslimahs and mama who are feeling overwhelmed and need some clarity within their day. Use this to plan a routine and challenge yourself to still do it for at least 7 days. With Ramadan coming up we definitely need to take our schedule and routine by the neck and become organised.