Mind + Body + Deen


Mind + Body + Deen /

Go further than you could by yourself

We want to encourage, empower, educate and inspire Muslim women like you, who are ready to prioritise their wellbeing but are feeling overwhelmed about getting started, or want to take their fitness, nutrition and mindset to the next level with the right intentions. With time-efficient workouts, quick and easy recipes based on the Sunnah and science, and embracing wellbeing as an integral part of our faith, here are just some of the benefits you can expect


Instant APP Access

Just Move

  • 4x workouts weekly

    Including + 10 weeks of a combination of:

    Upper body focused

    Abdominal focused

    Glute focused

  • Group of like minded sisters on the same journey.

10 weeks £10/week **


Step It Up

  • Focus on body weight, resistance bands & dumbbells.

    Workout is between 10-20 minutes each and can be repeated for a longer session.

  • Group of like minded sisters on the same journey.

10 week £25/week**


1:1 Online Coaching

What’s You Heath Goal?

Whatever your goals are, we can help you to become a healthier Muslimah. Our 1-1 programs are tailor for you to become fit, lose weight, build muscles, tone your body, increase stamina, improve flexibility, nurture balance, increase endurance, build confidence, pre and postnatal fitness & wellness, including advising you through foods that build and nourish a healthier, stronger mind and body. With a mixture of familiar foods and new foods to explore and feed your microbiome to work better for you, you will also be assisted with creating habits. Checking in on your wellbeing is our specialty and passion. Helping you navigate thought all these areas with a focus on changing perceptions on exercise and movement as a solid part of our Islam. Taking your fitness and nutrition to the next level with the right mindset for the sake of Allah.


  • During these consultations, we will focus on 9 areas of the Wellbeing Cycle, including nutrition, to help you achieve optimal wellness.

  • Item description


Payment plans are available

Gold Premium

  • During these consultations, we will focus on your fitness, nutrition and wellbeing to assess your progress and suggest improvements in the 9 areas of the Fitsters Wellbeing Cycle. We will also help you create habits that are easy to implement and maintain.

  • This will be customised to your needs.


Payment plans are available

“All I can say is that she definitely knows her stuff. If you’re looking for a no-nonsense trainer who will help you with fitness goals, then she is definitely your girl!”


Nurture it



Your in the right place!

You want to feel confident, strong and nourished not only before pregnancy, but during pregnancy and after too! I know those feelings.

Your body, hormones and emotions are changing during this special time and I am here to empower and support you in a nurturing space, be more accepting towards natural adjustments and encouraging growth through fitness, nutrition and mindset, with small manageable habits that can easily be placed within your normal routines.

I create full body workouts to help in retaining your strength during pregnancy and increasing this, where possible and needed, especially in areas of focus like the core and pelvic floor. This allows you to not have to worry about what to do and how to do it, but follow a plan that already does those things.

No matter what your wellness goals are or your fitness level we can work together to design a program for you. All workouts and nutrition advice are designed by a certified pre and postpartum coach, diet and nutrition coach with years of experience to support your goals, core and pelvic floor health and increase healthy eating habits.

Are you

~Struggling with starting or finding time and staying consistent with a fitness, nutrition or mindset program, or all three?

~Confused about what foods would give you more energy, that have better nutrients for you and bubba during pregnancy or after?

~Finding it difficult to manage disatsis recti and have seen hardly any, to no progress?

~Trying to strengthen your body at this stage you are now, that will benefit you long term?

~Constantly needing to go toilet, but never getting there quick enough?

~Always feeling as though your internal organs are not as in place and held in position as you would like?

~Always creating goals for fitness, nutrition or mindset but don’t know how to get there or where to start?

~Tired of trying to find a Muslim woman coach to guide you in making progressive steps in your goals during this stage and after?

As a nlp practioner I aid you thought mindset shift during stages of hormonal changes that may cause your progress to drift a little. But, that’s okay. Re-evaluating and readjusting is what I nurture for mums and mums to be, no matter how many children a woman has, reminding her that every pregnancy is a new journey.

Motherhood takes you and your body on an incredible journey, and while it’s physically and emotionally challenging, including the lack of sleep and heightened sensitivity, your body is extremely capable, Alhamdulillah, and I am here to guide and support you through the

transformation and recovery.

This is for you if you want to…

  • Feel strong, confident and capable in your body.

  • strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and put a stop to embarassing leaks when you cough, laugh and sneeze.

  • say goodbye to back pain from baby’s weight or breastfeeding by building a stronger trunk and fully functioning core.

  • heal your Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation) after pregnancy

  • prioritise your long-term health and well-being

  • have an accountability partner to guide and motivate you on your pregnancy journey

  • take your fitness, strength and health to the next level

  • increase metabolism, tone muscles and gets results through different forms of exercises


Exercise and eating nutrient dense foods during pregnancy has so many benefits for your mind and body. Not only does it contribute to your health, it also has positive outcomes for your unborn baby. I will guide you through exercise movements that will strengthen your body during this prenatal stage. Also educate you about your amazing body changes that may effect your daily life and body movements, while creating realistic expectations for you can work towards. Listening to your body and having a growth mindset with small steps that will elevate your progress is encouraged.

Let’s create a plan that works for you!

Rehab and recovery is important after every birth. Every woman's body is different which means that there are factors that will determine the time you are in a specific phase.

It’s not about how quick or how long, its about regaining function and increasing strength for the long term.

My pillars of postpartum have 3 phases.

Each separate phase of 12 weeks builds upon the other. Staring from rehab to working out to your full potential. Even if you have had as c-section, developed pelvic floor dysfunction or pelvic organ prolapse the support and guidance is also available. As a coach I help guide you through a tunel from where you are now to where you want to be. 

Whether you have been exercising or not, we start with core and pelvic floor recovery and retraining as carrying your baby weight and excess fluid alone causes your muscles to stretch and weaken.

Being given the ‘all clear’ 6 weeks check up doesn’t always mean you are really ‘good to go’ back to your normal routine and more. Sometimes there needs to be a little more attention and care into when your ready, a intuitive decision made by you.

It’s time to pencil you in! Let’s have chat


1:1 Online Coaching


  • These are tailored live sessions held online.

  • During these consultations, we will focus on 9 areas of the Wellbeing Cycle, including nutrition, to help you achieve optimal wellness.

    You will also have a wellness & pre/postpartum mindset check-in.


Payment plans are available



  • These are tailored live sessions held online.

  • During these consultations, we will focus on 9 areas of the Wellbeing Cycle, including nutrition, to help you achieve optimal wellness.

    You will also have a wellness & pre/postpartum mindset check-in.


Payment plans are available


  • These are tailored live sessions held online.

  • During these consultations, we evaluate your fitness, nutrition and wellbeing. This includes assessing your progress, improvements and creating easy-to-implement habits in 9 areas of the Fitsters® Wellbeing Cycle.

    You will also have a wellness & pre/postpartum mindset check-in.


Payment plans are available


I don’t know what foods to eat! I need more energy! It all takes too long!

Say goodbye to the limiting beliefs around foods In shaa Allah. Healthy eating is not about starving yourself, it is about knowing what real foods fuel your body to get the best out of it.

Foods are not just food you eat to satisfy your hunger and cravings, or to encourage weight loss or weight gain. They are also forms of medicine for our bodies. They should fuel your body so it takes care of you and they are forms of medicine for our bodies.

You are given the tools to work towards your goals. To help you make better food choices in your busy life, feel confident in implementing habits and cues that will set you up for mindset shifts so you can eat well, the sunnah way and rep the rewards of feeling your best from the inside out. No matter how busy you are with children, work, studies or family your health should not go uncared for.

  • You will receive an initial consultation, followed by 2 follow-up sessions at the beginning of the second and third consecutive month.

  • This will be tailored to your needs.

  • This will include sunnah foods.



I’d love to show you how to feel stronger, fitter & glow from the inside out.


“Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death.”