Post Ramadan Muslimah Mistakes
We can do this together. Get a pen & paper, or your journal and listen from the beginning to the end in shaa Allah. I want you to start with these and take it from there. It will help you to truly see where your mindset is right now. Bismillah.
Post Ramadan: There’s a feeling that many of us want to keep up. The healthy habits and routines that we had during the month is an amazing feeling along with the atmosphere Allah subhana wata alaa blessed us with. But sis, we don’t have to feel overwhelmed, neither do we have to stop, we just have to adjust and pivot slightly. We tend to eat healthier, not indulge, not over eat and so much more.
As a Muslima Mum I know that feeling 100%, but I know that you can create small tasks to grow in shaa Allah.
Contact me if you want to lose unhealthy body fat that may lead to an increase of health problems, close your diastasis rectic after have a baby recently or even some years ago or you’re a Mumma that just wans to get her mojo back in her health, fitness, eat heathier and create that time without feeling neglectful. I have been in those shoes sis, let me help you In shaa Allah. Click at the ⬆top right ‘Let’s chat’. X