Natural Ways To Care For Your Hair -Healthy hair and Scalp


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Blumseed Zakiyyah shared some gems that are a must, if you don’t already use and do….

The products are shipped internationally and if you want a consultation on how to take your hair journey to another level book a slot

🌐 📱@blumseedbeauty

Everyone has bought a hair shop product some time in their lives, or still do. ….But do you really know what is in the ingredients? Can you pronounce the words?

Not because we wear hijab, it doesn’t mean we should not take care of it and neglect it.

Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: He who has hair should honour it. : Sunan Abi Dawud 4163

We talk all things natural for healthy hair and scalp. Many shop products can be detrimental to your health short term and long term. Allah has given us so many natural ingredients to use for everything....Here are some staples you should use no matter what your hair type.

When your hair is looked after, you also feel more energised and fresh, so add time for your hair care in your weekly schedule.

🎁Discount code for my listeners valid until 13th November 2014 THANKU15


Contact me if you want to lose unhealthy body fat that may lead to an increase of health problems, close your diastasis rectic after have a baby recently or even some years ago or you’re a Mumma that just wans to get her mojo back in her health, fitness, eat heathier and create that time without feeling neglectful. I have been in those shoes sis, let me help you In shaa Allah. Click at the ⬆top right ‘Let’s chat’. X


What You Put ON Your Body Is As Important As What You Put IN Your Body


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