Tired And Stressed? 5 Easy Energy Boosting Tips For Busy Muslim Mothers
Being a mum can be exhausting, yet joyful and stressful. Also amazing and challenging. including tiring and evolving. Alhamdulillah. I know exactly those feelings. These are just a few. There are other ways as you can immediately guess like exercise, long bath and to be honest, just crying.
Here’s 5 ways that I use to boost my energy:
When you feel overwhelmed, drained, tired, lazy or just frankly, can’t be bothered, tell your Lord how you feel. Don’t raise the phone to your ear first. Raise your hand to your Lord first, before you confine into another human being like you, who also has days where they feel depleted, or even gives good advice. Call on Allah subhana wata Allah.
As a mum sometimes we need to understand that our schedules are so busy and will decrease our energy. There will be times that we feel a spring in our steps and sometimes we drag our feet. It may not always be about what we are eating that day or if we have got our exercise workout in, or included some movement, although 100% these are major factors, but this is the number one factor that will help all the others.
Our prophet peace and blessings be upon him has taught us a dua to say due to natural feeling that Allah has placed into us, so keep yourself accountable, but don’t be too harsh with the emotion. Alhamdulillah we are humans. This shows that it’s a disease that can affect our actions with ourselves and worship towards Allah subhana wata Allah (All praise and glory to Him, The Exalted). One of the prayers is
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ، وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ، وَالْبُخْلِ وَالْجُبْنِ، وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ
O Allah! I seek refuge with You from worry and grief, from incapacity and laziness,from cowardice and miserliness, from being heavily in debt and from being overpowered by (other) men.
Reference: Al-Bukhari 7/158.
Tip: Make dua at the times your duas are most likely to be answered- The last third of the night, when it rains, when you are breaking your fast, when you are in sujood (prostration). These are just some of the times that dua’s are more likely to be answered and Allah knows best.
Where’re in an era where a lack of sleep is glamorised and being active 24 hours, well the majority of the day is seen as being productive, but that is not true! A lack of sleep has crazy negative effects on every function of our being. Internally and externally. Our mind and body. When we have a task to do or errands, we don’t think about doing it to the best of our ability, quality over quantity. But rather, get it over and done with. Depending on what it is, lack of sleep can have a major effect on the quality of our work and cognition, including our workout capacity and execution.
Trust me, I know you’re probably cussing me, mumbling or something of the sort because you have so much to do when they have gone to bed or going to bed. But my sister! You have to leave it for some hours. Wake up more refreshed and get it done. It’s not easy going to sleep with many things to do, unless you can get it done before your body shuts down, then, do your thing ladies and bang it out. I could when I had one or two children, but that’s not always the case. Even when they get older. lol.
Allah subhana wata ala has told us what the night is for
وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى جَعَلَ لَكُمُ ٱلَّيْلَ لِبَاسًۭا وَٱلنَّوْمَ سُبَاتًۭا وَجَعَلَ ٱلنَّهَارَ نُشُورًۭا
And it is He Who makes the night a covering for you, and the sleep (as) a repose, and makes the day Nushûr (i.e. getting up and going about here and there for daily work, after one’s sleep at night, or like resurrection after one’s death).
Tip: Sleep after Isha, even if you have things to do. As it’s a sunnah of our Prophet Peace and Blessing be upon him. You will feel more energised in the morning. Wake up when everyone is asleep. Also try having a sunnah nap if you can between Dhur and Asr.
Although water doesn’t contain calories to increase our energy, a lack of water causes dehydration to many cells in our body hindering the function of our cells, not only in the body but also the brain. Hydration significantly affects your brain and energy levels. Mild dehydration can hinder brain functions such as concentration and mood.Dehydration can also cause confusion, difficulty thinking, and brain fog.
Fatigued. Low energy. Can’t focus. How many times do you feel like this? But, brush it off and only assocaite it with ‘just being busy’ or ‘just having a late night’. If this is you, then even eating late or not drinking any water is definity in your daily routine of busyness. So, it’s easily not done, because you have a spoon, cup and bowl for everyone else.
Tip: Keep water on the side in the kitchen, keep a bottle with you all the time or even set a reminder with an alarm on your phone.
The moment you get married, your time is split. From the time you conceive, until you leave your child or your child leaves you, your time is shared. And when you have more children your time reduces. When you have family and in-laws that you have a relationship with, your time is shared. When you work, your time is shared. Reducing stress is obviously not easily done, as it is said. However, you must find ways to add this daily, yes even as a homeschool mama.
Go for a walk at a time when you’re area is less busy. Less people to bump into. Less cars. Less noise. This can help you clear your head. Taking deep breaths. This helps with blood circulation and respiratory system. Get 2 for 1 and brisk walk or increase your strides as the Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings be upon him walked. Sometimes just getting out of the house for some minutes can really help. Even if it’s a walk around a few blocks. You don’t have anything around you that you have to tend to immediately. Yea, you may think of it, but it’s not the same when you are in the same place that things need to get done.
Tips: Wake up earlier than your family. Pray your sunnah prayers and remain in submission and silence for slightly longer. Have a salt or magnesium bath. Walk a few times around the block or down the road and back. Take deep breaths. Increase in your remembrance of Allah and gratitude. (By the way my lovely, don’t ever think if you need some time alone, means you’re ungrateful, because that’s not true).
Movement has many benefits for you on your body and mind. Exercising increases many hormones including cortisol in a good way, dopamine and endorphins both associated with the happy hormones and the same hormones that’s always associated with eating chocolate or scrolling social media. Some of these hormones make you feel more energised.
Exercising also boosts oxygen circulation inside your body. This not only supports the energy production of the cell powerhouse mitochondria, but it also allows your body to function better and use its energy more efficiently.
Tip: Set 15 to 13 minutes aside for exercise when you have less disturbances and you are not shattered and ready for bed. Set an alarm to remind you and aim for 3 days a week to start. Try this for a month. Find an accountability partner or a few different people who can help keep you accountable. Join @fitsters._ on IG where there are workouts or DM to join the private muslimah group to help you get momentum. And the last tip, check out Fitsters services and book a chat.
It’s not easy but join this community on the same journey and start moving. Xx